ANI - Promoção do Programa Quadro

Concurso Abertos - Pilar II e III do Horizonte Europa

HORIZON-MISS-2024-SOIL-01 - Research and Innovation and other actions to support the implementation of Mission 'A Soil Deal for Europe'

Harnessing the multifunctional potential of soil biodiversity for healthy cropping systems

HORIZON-MISS-2024-SOIL-01-06 (Open)

Tipo de Ação HORIZON Innovation Actions (HORIZON-IA)
Área(s) temática(s)
  • Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness
  • Food, Bioeconomy Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment
  • Biodiversity and Natural Resources
  • Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Areas
  • Food Systems
Publicação 18-04-2024
Abertura 08-05-2024
Modo single-stage
Fecho 08-10-2024 17:00h

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