Oportunidades EIT
EIT Cross-Kic
Women TechEU
Prazo | 30 Set 2024 |
Condições e destinatários | Support 160 women-led deep tech companies. |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://womentecheurope.eu/ |
Upcoming EIT Water Call Info Session: Key EIT activities - Education, Innovation, and Business Creation
Prazo | 25 Set 2024 |
Condições e destinatários | Learn more about the EIT's key activities in entrepreneurship education and skills, business creation and innovation projects. |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://eit.europa.eu/news-events/events/upcoming-eit-call-info-session-key-eit-activities-education-innovation-and |
DeepTechers Programme
Prazo | 23 Set 2024 |
Condições e destinatários | programme designed for top-tier European and Israeli professionals that are building and accelerating deep-tech ventures in leading academic institutions, VCs, corporates, and accelerators. |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://eit.europa.eu/our-activities/opportunities/apply-deeptechers-programme |
Upcoming EIT Water Call Info Session: Innovating with the EIT and creating a new partnership
Prazo | 18 Set 2024 |
Condições e destinatários | Sustainable partnerships in anticipation for the Call for Proposals for a new KIC in the water, marine, and maritime sectors and ecosystems. |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://eit.europa.eu/news-events/events/upcoming-eit-call-info-session-innovating-eit-and-creating-new-partnership |
EIT Community AI Challenge 2024
Prazo | 15 Set 2024 |
Condições e destinatários | An opportunity for stakeholders in corporate and urban environments to engage with innovators offering AI solutions. |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://ai.eitcommunity.eu/services/ai-challenge-2024 |
EIT Water Scarcity
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | Startups, scale-ups e PMEs que trabalham na inovação da gestão da água em 1 desses 4 setores: indústria de alimentos; agricultura; fabricação; grandes infra-estruturas e serviços de água |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://www.eitfood.eu/projects/water-in-south-finding-innovative-solutions-for-water-scarcity-in-southern-europe |
Deep Tech Talent Initiative: Take your deep tech knowledge to the next level
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | Everyone |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://www.eitdeeptechtalent.eu/courses/ |
EIT Community Officer for Portugal
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | Portuguese Project Manager |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3912511379/ |
Girls Go Circular
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | Schoolgirls aged 14-19 across Europe with digital and entrepreneurial skills through an online learning programme about the circular economy |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://eit-girlsgocircular.eu/ |
EIT Jumpstarter
Prazo | |
Condições e destinatários | Todas as KICs |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://eitjumpstarter.eu/why-eit-jumpstarter/ |
Climate KIC
Climate Leadership Journey
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | Estudantes de mestrado, pós-graduação e jovens profissionais |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://journey.climate-kic.org/ |
Young Innovators
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | Educadores e jovens de 12 a 18 anos |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://younginnovators.climate-kic.org/ |
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | Indivíduos com 3 anos de experiência profissional ou mais |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://pioneers.climate-kic.org/ |
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | Startups |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://climaccelerator.climate-kic.org/ |
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS RE-RELEASE: Independent Experts NetZeroCities Climate City Contract Investment Plans
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | Experts to support the evaluation of NetZeroCities (NZC) Climate City Contract (CCC) Investment Plans |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://www.climate-kic.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/CfA-Experts-NZC-Invest-Re-Release-1-FINAL-1.pdf |
Climate Launchpad
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | Green business ideas competition |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://climatelaunchpad.org/ |
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | Inspire, connect, and support local changemakers who are determined to accelerate the transition to a zero-carbon, climate resilient society |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://climathon.climate-kic.org/ |
Climate Leadership Journey
Prazo | |
Condições e destinatários | Estudantes de mestrado, pós-graduação e jovens profissionais |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://journey.climate-kic.org/ |
Young Innovators
Prazo | |
Condições e destinatários | https://younginnovators.climate-kic.org/ |
Observações | |
Link oficial | Educadores e jovens de 12 a 18 anos |
Prazo | |
Condições e destinatários | Startups e scaleups |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://climaccelerator.climate-kic.org/ |
Transatlantic Cleantech Summit
Prazo | 18 Set 2024 |
Condições e destinatários | will convene 200+ industry leaders, climatech investors, innovators, and policymakers from both sides of the Atlantic to explore success stories and roadblocks in scaling cleantech |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://www.innoenergy.com/news-events/transatlantic-cleantech-summit/ |
InnoEnergy Highway® Business Creation Services
Prazo | n.d. |
Condições e destinatários | Call para startups |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://bc.innoenergy.com/for-start-ups/ |
InnoEnergy Boostway® Powering Growth
Prazo | n.d. |
Condições e destinatários | Call para scaleups |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://bc.innoenergy.com/for-scale-ups/ |
EIT Jumpstarter
Prazo | |
Condições e destinatários | Concurso de ideias |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://eit.europa.eu/our-activities/opportunities/registration-eit-jumpstarter-now-open |
EBA - Business Investment Platform
Prazo | n.d. |
Condições e destinatários | Empresas interessadas em investimento na cadeia de valor das baterias |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://www.eba250.com/actions-projects/business-investment-platform/?cn-reloaded=1 |
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | Estudantes de mestrado, licenciados e jovens empreendedores; doutorandos e jovens pós-doutorandos |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://www.eba250.com/eba-academy/ |
Fostering Innovation
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | Startups |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://bc.innoenergy.com/ |
EIT Digital
EIT Digital Professional Courses 2023
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | Professionals |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://professionalschool.eitdigital.eu/ |
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | Companies and industry |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://www.eitdigital.eu/deephack/ |
Innovation Day 2022
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | Differents stakeholds in the area |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://www.eitdigital.eu/newsroom/events/2022/innovate-with-eit-digital/ |
External Experts for EIT Digital
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | individuals with proven entrepreneurial track record in the creation or scaling up of ventures and a venture capital or business angel background |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://www.eitdigital.eu/our-messages/calls-tenders/external-experts-for-eit-digital/ |
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | Startups |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://www.eitdigital.eu/accelerator/ |
Summer School
Prazo | |
Condições e destinatários | Master's and Ph.D. students and young professionals |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://summerschool.eitdigital.eu/ |
EIT Health
Gold Track: Accelerating the growth of massively scalable healthcare companies
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | Startups |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://eithealth.eu/programmes/gold-track/ |
Urbanisation and Health MOOC
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | Anyone who wants to further interdisciplinary knowledge on urbanisation and health |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://eithealth.eu/programmes/urbanisation-and-health-mooc/ |
Mentoring and Coaching Network
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | The Mentoring & Coaching Network has been specifically created for healthcare businesses. To apply your business must: Be developing a healthcare product or looking to scale-up and expand into new markets Be registered in a Horizon Europe country. Financial Obligations: All successful applicants will receive a voucher of at least €500 to use with their chosen mentors, with a mentoring connection from the network typically costing between €1000-€2000. |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://eithealth.eu/programmes/mentoring-and-coaching-network/ |
Investor Network
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | Start-ups that are: registered in any Horizon Europe country seeking between €500,000 and €10 million for seed, bridge, or Series A round funding already receiving public grants or other funding at a significant level delivering transformative products and services in Biotech, Medtech, and Digital Health |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://eithealth.eu/programmes/investor-network/ |
Dementia Inclusive Hospitals from a Universal Design Approach
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | Anyone who is focusing on dementia-friendly hospital design, including healthcare executives and professionals, facilities management, architects and other design professionals involved in healthcare projects, as well as patient advocates or advisory groups. |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://eithealth.eu/programmes/dementia-inclusive-hospitals/ |
AIProHealth: How Artificial Intelligence (AI) can support healthcare
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | Healthcare professionals who want to better understand AI for healthcare. This includes doctors, nurses, and Biomedical researchers. It will also be of interest to medical students, PhD students, and general AI enthusiasts. |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://eithealth.eu/programmes/aiprohealth/ |
Call for Experts
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | Experts with extensive experience in health innovation, entrepreneurship, business, health data, health technology, medical areas, legal matters and other areas |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://eithealth.eu/get-involved/events-and-opportunities/ |
Healthcare Entrepreneurship 101
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | People with ideas to the healthcare market |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://eithealth.eu/programmes/healthcare-entrepreneurship-101/ |
EIT Health Accelerator
Prazo | n.d. |
Condições e destinatários | Scaleups |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://eithealth.optimytool.com/en/ |
Dementia Inclusive Hospitals from a Universal Design Approach
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | Health professionals and others |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://eithealth.eu/programmes/dementia-inclusive-hospitals/ |
Gold Track
Prazo | n.d. |
Condições e destinatários | Empresas que respondem a necessidades médicas por resolver. Start-ups ou PME com menos de 50 funcionários. |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://eithealth.eu/project/gold-track/ |
Investor Network
Prazo | n.d. |
Condições e destinatários | Start-ups à procura de investimento (Seed to Series A) |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://eithealth.eu/opportunity/the-investor-network/ |
EIT Raw Materials
Prazo | n.d. |
Condições e destinatários | Research and startups |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://eitrawmaterials.eu/lab2market/ |
Mentoring & Coaching Network
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | The Mentoring & Coaching Network has been specifically created for healthcare businesses. To apply your business must: -Be developing a healthcare product or looking to scale-up and expand into new markets -Be registered in a Horizon Europe country. |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://eithealth.eu/programmes/mentoring-and-coaching-network/ |
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | Research and startups |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://eitrawmaterials.eu/lab2market/ |
Open Innovation
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | Corporate services |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://eitrawmaterials.eu/open-innovation/ |
EIT Food
Inspire Explore
Prazo | 13 Dez 2024 |
Condições e destinatários | This short online course is designed to inspire, be flexible, and easy to join and complete! With four comprehensive modules, we equip you with the essential knowledge needed to foster innovation and entrepreneurship skills. From identifying the problem you aim to solve to securing funding for your startup, our course guides the basics of launching a new venture. |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://learning.eitfood.eu/courses/inspire-explore |
Algae Biotechnology
Prazo | 13 Nov 2024 |
Condições e destinatários | Provide introductory training and theory in algal biology, culturing, growth and biotechnology under laboratory and small-scale pilot facilities. |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://learning.eitfood.eu/courses/algae-biotechnology |
RestoZero - Formación en prácticas sostenibles para la restauración del futuro
Prazo | 20 Set 2024 |
Condições e destinatários | Acquire practices to reduce food waste and enhance sustainable management of enterprises in the HoReCa sector. |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://learning.eitfood.eu/courses/restozero |
The Regenerative Agriculture Revolution (course)
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | Designed for farmers ready to join EIT Food's Regenerative Agriculture Revolution |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://www.eitfood.eu/education/courses/the-regenerative-agriculture-revolution |
The Regenerative Agriculture Revolution (course)
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | Two-week course teaching all about regenerative agriculture |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://www.eitfood.eu/education/courses/the-regenerative-agriculture-revolution |
Understanding Mediterranean and Okinawa Diets
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | On this 3-week course, you will explore the science and benefits of two well-known diets: the Mediterranean and Okinawa diets. You will learn the main components of these diets and how to prepare simple recipes. You will also consider what makes these diets healthy, and how they affect the body. |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://learning.eitfood.eu/courses/understanding-mediterranean-and-okinawa-diets |
Food and Nutrition: The Truth Behind the Headlines
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | On this 3-week course, rebuild your trust in nutrition science and look beyond the media headlines. You’ll be encouraged to think critically about the information behind media headlines and come to your own conclusions about what’s good for you. This course is designed for anyone who is losing trust in media headlines about how what we eat affects our health and who wants to get to the truth. |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://learning.eitfood.eu/courses/food-and-nutrition-the-truth-behind-the-headlines |
From Waste to Value: How to Tackle Food Waste
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | The significant contribution the food system makes to climate change is widely recognised, and consumers are increasingly concerned about food waste. On this 3-week course, you’ll explore how you – as a consumer – can act and inspire others to reduce food waste effectively and sustainably. You’ll learn what food waste is, and why it matters, and gain practical information on how to be an agent of change both personally and politically. |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://learning.eitfood.eu/courses/from-waste-to-value-how-food-waste-is-being-tackled |
The Human Microbiome
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | The microbiome – the microbes that live within the human body – can have a huge impact on human health. As such, it’s vital to understand the complexity of the microbiome, and how it can impact on disease and wellbeing. On this 3-week course, you’ll go on a fascinating journey into the human body – down to the gut – where the ecology and roles of the human microbiome will be narrated. |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://learning.eitfood.eu/courses/the-human-microbiome |
Trust in Our Food: Understanding Food Supply Systems
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | This 4-week online course will help you understand global food supply systems. You’ll explore the challenges and responsibilities of different people in the food system, including the role of the consumer. You will assess the information available to consumers relating to issues of food safety, nutrition and quality, sustainability of production methods and how these affect consumer trust. You’ll leave the course knowing more about where your food comes from and how you can make a difference in the food supply chain. |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://learning.eitfood.eu/courses/trust-in-our-food-understanding-food-supply-systems |
Sustainable Seafood: Barriers and Solutions in the Fishing Industry
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | On this three-week course, you’ll gain a nuanced understanding of the environmental and social problems of the fishing industry. Moving beyond just the impacts of fisheries, you’ll delve into fish farming and aquaculture to gain a comprehensive insight into different fishing industries. |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://learning.eitfood.eu/courses/sustainable-seafood-barriers-and-solutions |
Consumer’s and Environmental Safety: Food Packaging and Kitchenware
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | Food safety is highly regulated. Yet, one blind spot is the migration of molecules from contact materials in kitchenware into food. Particular attention needs to be placed on chemicals present at low doses but acting on the endocrine system over a long time. On this 5-week course, you’ll learn about these endocrine disrupters and their potential impact on human health and the environment. |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://learning.eitfood.eu/courses/consumer-s-and-environmental-safety-food-packaging-and-kitchenware |
Engaging with Controversies in the Food System
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | Consumers have never been confronted with so many food choices. Deciding on what food to eat is affected by many factors, including media reports, diet research findings, and social media. On this 3-week course, you’ll access leading research and expert insights to make sense of some of the most common food controversies - alternative proteins, palm oil, and probiotics. |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://learning.eitfood.eu/courses/exploring-controversies-in-the-food-system |
Intellectual Property Management in the Food Sector (Course Available Soon)
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | On this 4 weeks course, you’ll find out how to manage and safeguard your company’s IP. You’ll learn how to evaluate expected sources of problems, use patents and trademarks, and navigate the world of start-ups and SMEs. |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://learning.eitfood.eu/courses/intellectual-property-management-in-the-food-sector-43b94655-4b75-4bbe-a308-82b76b379467 |
Understanding Food Labels
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | This 3-week course will teach you how to make sense of the regulations, data, and logos on packaging so that you can make more informed food choices. You’ll become more aware of what’s in the food you’re buying, the reference intakes for different people, and the nutritional value and environmental sustainability of different foods. You’ll also gain a better understanding of food labelling regulations, as well as the claims food producers are allowed to make. |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://learning.eitfood.eu/courses/understanding-food-labels |
How Food is Made? Understanding Food Processing Technologies
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | Food processing isn’t a new concept, however, many people might not understand how and why it happens. On this 4-week course, you will improve your knowledge of food processing technologies and build confidence in the processed foods on the market. |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://learning.eitfood.eu/courses/how-food-is-made-understanding-food-processing-technologies |
Improving Food Production with Agricultural Technology and Plant Biotechnology
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | Build your knowledge of food production challenges and technology with this online 3-week course for post-16 students of biology. |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://learning.eitfood.eu/courses/improving-food-production-with-agricultural-technology-and-plant-biotechnology |
Explore How Farmers Produce Food Sustainably
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | On this 3-week course, you’ll gain a better understanding of where our food comes from, how it’s produced, and the associated environmental, social and sustainability challenges for EU farmers. As well as horticulture and arable farming, you’ll explore meat, dairy, and egg production, as you examine different farming systems. You’ll also learn about the innovative technologies available to farmers to boost sustainability so that you can better understand farming challenges, and how farming relates to your food purchases. |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://learning.eitfood.eu/courses/explore-how-farmers-produce-food-sustainably |
Food for Thought: The Relationship Between Food, Gut and Brain
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | Find out how your diet affects your brain, and your brain affects your diet. Over the last few years, the importance of the link between gut and brain has become clear. On this 5-week course you’ll explore this complex relationship. You’ll learn how the brain works, and is affected by diet and nutritional deficiencies. You’ll also discover less known, cutting-edge subjects such as the gut-brain axis, the microbiome, and the relationship between food and reproductive health. This course is open to everyone, but may be of particular interest to psychologists or people working in health and well-being. No previous experience is required, though a background knowledge of biology or psychology may help. |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://learning.eitfood.eu/courses/food-for-thought-the-relationship-between-food-gut-and-brain |
Understanding Food Supply Chains in a Time of Crisis
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | Movement restrictions imposed due to the coronavirus are leading to an increase in food stockpiling, and there are concerns the agri-food supply chain won’t keep up with demand. On this 2-week course, you’ll learn how the pandemic is challenging food supply chains and explore the steps taken by the industry to ensure food security and integrity. |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://learning.eitfood.eu/courses/understanding-food-supply-chains-in-a-time-of-crisis |
Farm to Fork: Sustainable Food Production in a Changing Environment
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | Get answers to these questions and more with this four-week course that explores food and agriculture in the modern world. Learn about the complexity of the global food supply chain, the vulnerability of the food industry to emerging threats, and solutions to stopping these threats early. Consider the issues surrounding the production of food of animal origin. This course is for people who want to learn about food supply chains and the future of agriculture. It’s ideal for students and young people who want to explore careers in the food industry. |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://learning.eitfood.eu/courses/farm-to-fork-sustainable-food-production-in-a-changing-environment |
Superfoods: Myths and Truths
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | On this 4-week course learn about the definition of a ‘superfood’. Consider the biological, neuroscientific and social aspects of superfoods. Develop critical abilities and evaluate the impact of the superfood phenomenon on society and the economy. |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://learning.eitfood.eu/courses/superfoods-myths-and-truths |
SMAF - Smart Agriculture Farming
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | The SMAF-Smart Agriculture Farming programme is a series of Seminars - Workshops organized in various European countries. Their purpose is to provide with an overview of the challenges and opportunities associated with the adoption of data-based technological solutions for smart agriculture. The location is Greece, Hungary, Spain and Italy. |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://learning.eitfood.eu/courses/smaf-smart-agriculture-farming |
An Introduction to Food Science
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | Food and health information is often oversimplified by the media, and recommendations can be inaccurately reported and contradictory to current recommendations. By understanding and learning more about what’s in our food, we can make smarter, more sustainable, and healthier food choices. On this 4-week course, you’ll access trustworthy information on the food system from food industry experts. |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://learning.eitfood.eu/courses/an-introduction-to-food-science |
Science Communication and Public Engagement
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | Discover the importance of public engagement in science, and learn techniques to share and raise awareness of your research. This course is designed for scientists and researchers who wish to communicate the results and theory of their field(s) of study to the public. |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://learning.eitfood.eu/courses/science-communication-and-public-engagement#about |
Deeptech Revolution in the AgroFood (DRAF)
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | The primary aim of this educational activity is to delve into the cutting-edge applications of deep tech in the agrifood sector, especially emphasizing the digital twin ecosystem and its capacity to reshape the future of food systems. Organized across four distinct RIS nations, this series aims to empower local professionals, budding entrepreneurs, and academically inclined youths with the knowledge, skills, and perspectives necessary to navigate the evolving landscape of agrifood tech. |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://learning.eitfood.eu/courses/deeptech-revolution-in-the-agrofood-draf |
Prazo | |
Condições e destinatários | https://www.eitfood.eu/projects/inspire |
Observações | |
Link oficial | Estudantes, pesquisadores, profissionais, empresários |
Prazo | |
Condições e destinatários | Alunos de licenciatura, mestrado, doutorado e pós-doc, jovens profissionais e/ou aspirantes a empreendedores |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://www.eitfood.eu/education/courses/innovplanet-summer-school |
Prazo | |
Condições e destinatários | Estudantes de mestrado, licenciados e jovens empreendedores; doutorandos e jovens pós-doutorandos |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://www.eitfood.eu/projects/eit-food-ris-fellowships |
Seed Incubator
Prazo | |
Condições e destinatários | Projetos ou startups baseados em tecnologia recém-criados |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://www.eitfood.eu/projects/seedbed |
Accelerator Network
Prazo | |
Condições e destinatários | Startups no estágio (pré)semente com alguma tração no mercado. |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://www.eitfood.eu/projects/eit-food-accelerator-network |
EIT Manufacturing
Transform 2024
Prazo | 29 Out 2024 |
Condições e destinatários | It aims to support manufacturing corporates and SMEs in solving industrial and innovation challenges by implementing new technologies from startups. Cutoffs
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://www.eitmanufacturing.eu/calls/transform-2024/ |
EIT Urban Mobility Master School and Fellowship Academy Open Call
Prazo | 10 Out 2024 |
Condições e destinatários | This Open Call focuses on a series of specific activity areas aimed at meeting the EIT Urban Mobility Master School and Fellowship targets, including Summer Schools, new urban mobility related Master programmes that have the potential to be integrated into the EIT Urban Mobility Master School and obtain the EIT Label, new universities joining existing EIT Urban Mobility Master programmes, and existing Innovation and Entrepreneurship (I&E) programmes at Master level aligned with the EIT Label Handbook for EIT Fellowships criteria with the potential to join the EIT Urban Mobility I&E Fellowship. This Call is also open to proposals for other types of activities with a high potential to achieve EIT Urban Mobility KPI and financial sustainability targets. |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://www.eiturbanmobility.eu/master-school-and-fellowship-academy-open-call-ms/ |
Calling for emerging game changers to accelerate the transition to net zero
Prazo | 23 Set 2024 |
Condições e destinatários | Business idea focused on helping companies achieve net zero targets catalyst for tangible, scalable innovations to reduce industrial carbon emissions. |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://www.eitmanufacturing.eu/calls/boostup-iberia-2024-net-zero/ |
Switch On Program
Prazo | n.d. |
Condições e destinatários | Spin offs, early stage startups |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://www.eitmanufacturing.eu/what-we-do/business-creation/opportunities/for-startups/ |
Supercharge program
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | Startups/scaleups (seed/series A) – especially those looking to grow to new markets (new customers or new geographies). Criteria includes: have demonstrated meaningful customer traction and been operative for more than one year, have a dedicated full-time team with a headquarters incorporated in any Horizon Europe country |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://www.innoenergy.com/for-students/master-school/application-process/ |
GreenMA – GreenManufacturingAccelerator
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | Startups |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://bia.ee/eit-greenma-eng/ |
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | Startups and deep tech ventures |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://www.bgi.pt/tech2market |
EIT Urban Mobility
EIT Urban Mobility Targeted Open Call 2025
Prazo | 15 Out 2024 |
Condições e destinatários | Address a) gaps in our innovation portfolio with regards to the business plan, strategic agenda, and b) external changes and influences such as technological developments, policies/regulations, and (urgent) events. |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://www.eiturbanmobility.eu/targeted-open-call-2025/ |
Regional Innovation Scheme Urban Mobility Specialists (RISUMS) Open Call 2025
Prazo | 30 Set 2024 |
Condições e destinatários | support our community of innovators to develop mobility solutions that help people mitigate and adapt to climate change, while improving the quality of life in our cities, creating jobs and strengthening the European mobility sector. |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://www.eiturbanmobility.eu/regional-innovation-scheme-urban-mobility-specialists-risums-open-call-2025/ |
Unlocking Transformation in City Governments
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | Local governments and actors who bring local transformation into practic |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://www.eiturbanmobility.eu/eit-urban-mobility-continues-its-impact-investor-journey-in-2023/ |
Permanently Open Call for applications – Financial support to start-ups
Prazo | Ongoing |
Condições e destinatários | Start-ups |
Observações | |
Link oficial | https://www.eiturbanmobility.eu/eit-urban-mobility-continues-its-impact-investor-journey-in-2023/ |