Concurso Abertos - Pilar II e III do Horizonte Europa
HORIZON-EIC-2025-ACCELERATOR-01 | EIC Accelerator 2025 - Short application | Open 17-12-2025 |
HORIZON-EIC-2025-EICSTEP-01 | EIC STEP Scale Up | Open 15-12-2025 |
HORIZON-EIC-2025-PATHFINDEROPEN | EIC Pathfinder Open | Open 20-05-2025 |
HORIZON-EIC-2025-PRIZE-2-02 | The European Capital of Innovation Awards (Rising) | Open 17-06-2025 |
HORIZON-EIC-2025-PRIZE-2-01 | The European Capital of Innovation Award (iCapital) | Open 17-06-2025 |
HORIZON-EIC-2025-TRANSITIONOPEN | EIC Transition Open | Forthcoming 16-09-2025 |
HORIZON-EIT-2025 | WATER | Open 16-06-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-CHIPS-2025-IA-EDA-two-stage | ||
HORIZON-JU-CHIPS-2025-IA-EDA-two-stage | Open-source EDA tools development | Open 28-04-2025 16-09-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-CHIPS-2025-IA-HPA | Heterogeneous Integration for High-Performance Automotive Computing | Open 28-04-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-CHIPS-2025-IA-two-stage | ||
HORIZON-JU-CHIPS-2025-IA-two-stage-FT2 | AI-assisted Methods and Tools for Engineering Automation | Open 28-04-2025 16-09-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-CHIPS-2025-IA-two-stage | Global call according to SRIA 2024 | Open 28-04-2025 16-09-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-CHIPS-2025-IA-two-stage-FT1 | RISC-V Automotive Hardware Platform | Open 28-04-2025 16-09-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-CHIPS-2025-RIA-two-stage | ||
HORIZON-JU-CHIPS-2025-RIA-two-stage | Global RIA Call | Open 28-04-2025 16-09-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-CLEANH2-2025-05-03 | Knowledge transfer and training of civil servants, safety officials, and permitting staff to improve safety assessment and licensing procedures across Europe | Open 22-04-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-CLEANH2-2025-05-02 | Understanding emissions of PFAS from electrolysers and/or fuel cells under product use | Open 22-04-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-CLEANH2-2025-02-01 | Development of mined, lined rock cavern for gaseous hydrogen storage | Open 22-04-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-CLEANH2-2025-03-03 | Reliable, efficient, scalable and lower cost 1 MW-scale PEMFC system for maritime applications | Open 22-04-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-CLEANH2-2025-01-05 | Innovative co-electrolysis systems and integration with downstream processes | Open 22-04-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-CLEANH2-2025-01-01 | Improvements in lifetime and cost of low temperature electrolysers by introducing advanced materials and components in stacks and balance of plant | Open 22-04-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-CLEANH2-2025-02-03 | Demonstration of scalable ammonia cracking technology | Open 22-04-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-CLEANH2-2025-05-01 | Simultaneous ionomer and iridium recycling | Open 22-04-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-CLEANH2-2025-02-02 | Development of cost effective and high-capacity compression solutions for hydrogen | Open 22-04-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-CLEANH2-2025-06-02 | Small-scale Hydrogen Valley | Open 22-04-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-CLEANH2-2025-01-07 | Towards exploration and evaluation of European natural hydrogen potential | Open 22-04-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-CLEANH2-2025-06-01 | Large-scale Hydrogen Valley | Open 22-04-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-CLEANH2-2025-03-02 | Scalable innovative processes for the production of PEMFC MEAs | Open 22-04-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-CLEANH2-2025-03-01 | Configurable Fuel Cell Powertrain for Non-Road Mobile Machinery | Open 22-04-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-CLEANH2-2025-01-02 | Improved lifetime and cost of high-temperature electrolysers by introducing innovative materials and components in stacks and BoP | Open 22-04-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-CLEANH2-2025-04-01 | Demonstration of stationary fuel cells in renewable energy communities | Open 22-04-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-CLEANH2-2025-01-06 | Innovative hydrogen and solid carbon production from renewable gases/biogenic waste processes | Open 22-04-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-CLEANH2-2025-01-04 | Efficient electrolysis coupling with variable renewable electricity and/or heat integration | Open 22-04-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-CLEANH2-2025-01-03 | Scale-up and Optimisation of manufacturing processes for electrolyser materials, cells, or stacks | Open 22-04-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-Chips-2025-CSA-1 | ||
HORIZON-JU-CHIPS-2025-CSA-1 | A Pan-European infrastructure for Chips Design Innovation | Open 28-04-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-Clean-Aviation-2025-01 | ||
HORIZON-JU-CLEAN-AVIATION-2025-03-REG-03 | Flight Test Demonstration of Hybrid-Electric Propulsion for Regional aircraft | Forthcoming 14-05-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-CLEAN-AVIATION-2025-03-SMR-01 | Ground Test Demonstration and Preparation of Flight Test of an Ultra High Bypass Ratio Ducted Geared Turbofan Engine for SMR Aircraft | Forthcoming 14-05-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-CLEAN-AVIATION-2025-03-SMR-02 | Flight Test Demonstration of an Unducted Engine Architecture for SMR Aircraft | Forthcoming 14-05-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-CLEAN-AVIATION-2025-03-ACI-01 | Aircraft concept and key technologies integration and impact assessment | Forthcoming 14-05-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-CLEAN-AVIATION-2025-03-SMR-03 | Ground Test Demonstration up to TRL5 of On-Board NPE Systems Architecture for SMR Aircraft | Forthcoming 14-05-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-CLEAN-AVIATION-2025-03-REG-02 | Demonstration of On-board Systems relevant for hybridization of Regional aircraft | Forthcoming 14-05-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-CLEAN-AVIATION-2025-03-REG-01 | Demonstration of a Hybrid-Electric Propulsion System for Regional aircraft, including Pylon and Nacelle Integration and modification | Forthcoming 14-05-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-Clean-Aviation-2025-01F | ||
HORIZON-JU-CLEAN-AVIATION-2025-03-FTA-03 | Advanced Concepts for Reliable Power Electronics Conversion and Distribution in Aviation | Forthcoming 22-04-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-CLEAN-AVIATION-2025-03-FTA-02 | Crashworthiness of fuselage integrated LH2 storage solutions | Forthcoming 22-04-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-CLEAN-AVIATION-2025-03-FTA-01 | Design and Integration of a High-Performance Battery System on a Hybrid-Electric Regional aircraft | Forthcoming 22-04-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-EDCTP3-2025-DrPascoalMocumbiPrize | ||
HORIZON-JU-EDCTP3-2025-DrPascoalMocumbiPrize | Dr Pascoal Mocumbi Prize | Open 31-03-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-EDCTP3-2025-OutsFemaleScientistPrize | ||
HORIZON-JU-EDCTP3-2025-OutsFemaleScientistPrize | Outstanding Female Scientist Prize | Open 31-03-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-EDCTP3-2025-OutsResearchTeamPrize | ||
HORIZON-JU-EDCTP3-2025-OutsResearchTeamPrize | Outstanding Research Team Prize | Open 31-03-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-EDCTP3-2025-SciLeadershipManEUPrize | ||
HORIZON-JU-EDCTP3-2025-SciLeadershipManEUPrize | Scientific Leadership Prize for a man resident of an EU Member State or a country associated with the Horizon Europe programme | Open 31-03-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-EDCTP3-2025-SciLeadershipManSSAPrize | ||
HORIZON-JU-EDCTP3-2025-SciLeadershipManSSAPrize | Scientific Leadership Prize for a man resident of sub-Saharan African country that is a member of the EDCTP Association | Open 31-03-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-EDCTP3-2025-SciLeadershipWomanEUPrize | ||
HORIZON-JU-EDCTP3-2025-SciLeadershipWomanEUPrize | Scientific Leadership Prize for a woman resident of an EU Member State or a country associated with the Horizon Europe programme | Open 31-03-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-EDCTP3-2025-SciLeadershipWomanSSAPrize | ||
HORIZON-JU-EDCTP3-2025-SciLeadershipWomanSSAPrize | Scientific Leadership Prize for a woman resident of sub-Saharan African country that is a member of the EDCTP Association | Open 31-03-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-ER-2025-01 | ||
HORIZON-ER-JU-2025-FA7-01 | Further Technological development of Maglev-derived Systems | Open 06-05-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-EUROHPC-2025-INCO-01 | International Collaboration on AI Factories and HPC-AI | Open 03-06-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-IHI-2025-09-single-stage | ||
HORIZON-JU-IHI-2025-09-05-single-stage | Boosting innovation for better assessment of the added value of innovative integrated healthcare solutions | Open 28-04-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-IHI-2025-09-02-single-stage | Boosting innovation through better integration of fragmented health R&I efforts | Open 28-04-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-IHI-2025-09-01-single-stage | Boosting innovation for a better understanding of the determinants of health | Open 28-04-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-IHI-2025-09-03-single-stage | Boosting innovation for peopled centred integrated healthcare solutions | Open 28-04-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-IHI-2025-09-04-single-stage | Boosting innovation through exploitation of digitalisation and data exchange in healthcare | Open 28-04-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-IHI-2025-10-two-stage | ||
HORIZON-JU-IHI-2025-10-02-two-stage | Safeguarding innovation in secondary use of health data in the European Health Data Space (EHDS) | Open 22-04-2025 13-10-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-IHI-2025-10-03-two-stage | Per- and Poly-fluoroalkyl substance (PFAS) exposure, emissions, and end of life management in the healthcare sector | Open 22-04-2025 13-10-2025 |
HORIZON-JU-IHI-2025-10-01-two-stage | Digital label: one source of comprehensive information for medical technology products | Open 22-04-2025 13-10-2025 |
HORIZON-SESAR-2025-DES-ER-03-WA1-2 | Digital flight rules | Forthcoming 15-09-2025 |
HORIZON-SESAR-2025-DES-ER-03-WA1-1 | ATM impact on climate change | Forthcoming 15-09-2025 |
HORIZON-SESAR-2025-DES-ER-03-WA1-3 | Investigate quantum sensing and computing applied to ATM | Forthcoming 15-09-2025 |
HORIZON-SESAR-2025-DES-ER-03-WA1-4 | Fundamental research for other topics | Forthcoming 15-09-2025 |
HORIZON-SESAR-2025-DES-ER-03-WA2-2 | Integration of the next generation aircraft for zero/low emission aviation | Forthcoming 15-09-2025 |
HORIZON-SESAR-2025-DES-ER-03-WA2-1 | Research to help shape the future regulatory framework for a DES | Forthcoming 15-09-2025 |
HORIZON-SESAR-2025-DES-IR-02-WA2-1 | Transition towards high performance of air-ground connectivity (multilink) | Forthcoming 15-09-2025 |
HORIZON-SESAR-2025-DES-IR-02-WA1-1 | Transformation to trajectory-based operations | Forthcoming 15-09-2025 |
HORIZON-SESAR-2025-DES-IR-02-WA4-1 | Next generation ATS platform for airport operations | Forthcoming 15-09-2025 |
HORIZON-SESAR-2025-DES-IR-02-WA3-1 | Next generation ATS platforms for en-route and TMA operations | Forthcoming 15-09-2025 |
HORIZON-SESAR-2025-DES-IR-02-WA5-3 | Airborne capabilities for supporting reducing ATM environmental footprint | Forthcoming 15-09-2025 |
HORIZON-SESAR-2025-DES-IR-02-WA5-1 | Increased automation assistance for the pilot for ATM tasks | Forthcoming 15-09-2025 |
HORIZON-SESAR-2025-DES-IR-02-WA5-2 | Highly automated ATM for all airspace users | Forthcoming 15-09-2025 |
HORIZON-SESAR-2025-DES-IR-02-WA6-2 | Fast-track Extending U-space eco-system | Forthcoming 15-09-2025 |
HORIZON-SESAR-2025-DES-IR-02-WA6-3 | Fast-track Enabling innovative air mobility (IAM) / Vertical take-off and landing capable aircraft (VCA) (crewed and uncrewed) operations | Forthcoming 15-09-2025 |
HORIZON-SESAR-2025-DES-IR-02-WA6-1 | Fast-track U3 U-space advanced services and CNS capabilities | Forthcoming 15-09-2025 |
HORIZON-SESAR-2025-DES-IR-02-WA7-1 | Support to programme execution framework on performance | Forthcoming 15-09-2025 |
HORIZON-SESAR-2025-DES-IR-02-WA4-2 | Smart airports, airports as multimodal nodes and passenger experience | Forthcoming 15-09-2025 |
HORIZON-SESAR-2025-DES-IR-02-WA3-2 | Enhanced CNS capabilities | Forthcoming 15-09-2025 |
HORIZON-SESAR-2025-DES-IR-02-WA7-2 | Support to programme execution on SESAR architecture and on Strategic deployment planning and monitoring | Forthcoming 15-09-2025 |